Code your way to the top

Mobile applications

Mobile application design and coding for customers’ needs.


Configuring, building, designing and maintenance on WordPress sites. We offer customised APIs and plugin development.

SQL & databases

SQL database maintenance, cluster services (Galera), server load balancing, high availability websites (HAProxy, Varnish) and SSL certificate configuration.

Open Source

Open source product modifications, extention development.

Read more about the GPL license.

Get a coder for your Project

Have you been thinking where to find an excellent coder for your project with affordable price. Contact us and get a developer to make modifications or to create plugins for your current software.

We create integration solutions between systems, e-forms and data content management. We thrive on configuring and development of content magement systems such as WordPress, Joompla, Drupal etc. 

Do not hesitate to contact us and ask an offer.

We love on daily basis.


Affordable websites for your company
Starting from 750 €
  • Website design
  • WordPress-platform
  • Web shops
  • Search engine optimisation and Google analytics
  • Email with domain name
  • + VAT


Development and administration
85 € / hour
  • Upgrades and configuration
  • Template customisation
  • Plugin development and integrations
  • PHP, CSS customisation
  • Bug tracking and problem solving
  • + VAT


Extensive and affordable coding services
85 € / hour
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • API / C++ / Integrations / PHP
  • Python automation
  • Linux administration and monitorisation
  • VueJS, NodeJS, React, SOAP/JSON
  • Mobile applications
  • + VAT

News and blogs

Our development team

Jukka Hyttinen

Project manager and Developer

Jukka Hyttinen

Product development has been near my heart since an early age. I have experience in vehicle product development from both product design, testing and simulation. Currently I’m doing a PhD on constitutive modeling of rubber and tyres. I enjoy doing different projects during my freetime with Raspberry Pi or Arduino microcontrollers. Conserning programming I mostly focus on numerical computation using Python.

Juha Sarkkinen

CEO and Senior Developer

Juha Sarkkinen

If you ask me I love one-click services. If I could change something I wish that every app in the world could give a wished outcome with only a few clicks – as easily as possible. Software as service, automatisation, easy monitoring and solving database issues is like a hobby to relax with to me. I love it, and I thrive on challenges. However, the best part of the job is to fly over the expectation of the customer and make the outcome even better than they expect.

Techniques: Python, PHP, Java, Kotlin, C++, NodeJS, HaProxy, Nginx, Galera, Corosync, Pacemaker, Apache, Tomcat, Jetty, MySQL, Oracle, HTML/CSS/JavaScriptJSON/XML/SOAP jne.

Piirroslehmä taikurin hattu päässä

Wizard Cow Oy
Business ID 3141537-2

Piirroslehmä taikurin hattu päässä

Wizard Cow Oy

Great solutions and pleased customers. 

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Cow says.
Cow says who?

No, a cow says mooo and resolves the issue.

Wizard Cow Oy
Iloinen ja innovatiivinen

asiakaspalvelu (ät)
Y-tunnus 3141537-2